Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Morning

A nice dark dreary day here in the Kingdom of Me. The weather looks lousy and it's a tad bit cold out. Last night we spent time at the hospital seeing GF's grandmother. Still the same. I guess no news is good news in this situation. We got home and made some peanut butter cookies. Yum Yum. We ate so many that had to make some more for the kids today.
Today I am going over to my apt and bring over a load or two. I have a week to be out of there and been kinda half stepping it. The GF went on a shopping expedition. Usual Sunday stuff for her.
That's about it for now. Have a great Sunday all.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday Morning

I know, I know, I promised to keep up with things but life gets in the way. This past week we had a few things happen.
First off GF got a real bad cold. Last time she was this bad it turned into pneumonia. She was hacking real bad Monday. Her sister in law who has DR for a dad got some antibiotics for her. They helped a little, more or less kept things in check and kept from getting worse more than anything. I had her call her DR Tuesday morning and he in turned prescribed some better stuff. She took a couple of days off work, but the way she was feeling she was better off for it.
Add more stress in the form of her Grandmother going to the hospital with the flu. We spent Thursday and Friday night at the hospital. She is in intensive care. For being 95 she is holding her own. Got a scare Thursday when they took her off the ventilator and things went south quick. They put her back on she got better. Now they are going to keep her on until early next week and see what happens. All of our prayers are going out to her and her family. This Lady is the Real Deal. A Okie from the start and a Grandma from the word go. I heard so many wonderful stories up in the hospital from her grand kids and kids alike. I have only met her a couple of times so I just listened to the tales of Grandma Bishop. I want her to pull through this if for nothing else I can get a chance to know her.
The kids are at their Daddy's this weekend so that means we have the place to ourselves. This morning we are in the process of doing laundry and cleaning up the place a little. Probably go back to the hospital later. Which is OK by me. I am getting to know her Dad's side of the family this way. And the more I learn, the more I appreciate where she comes from and all that kind of stuff. In other words it makes me appreciate her that much more. Her Dad has always been good to me. I'd like to keep it that way too.
Well back to the chores.

One more thing what about O'Bummer...errrr....Obama's war......errr wait, he is calling it a "Kinetic Military Action". Hmm I could use a cliche about calling a spade a spade, but that could be construed as racist by some. And France was on the forefront of at that. Well if we want to surrender in style, I guess the French would be the ones to lead. But it looks like NATO is finally stepping in.
I was for Bush going into Afghanistan to hunt down Bin Laden, I even understood his reasoning at the time, although later to be proved faulty, for going into Iraq. But why Libya? If someone could clue me in, I'll listen to any reasonable argument.
Let's see Elizabeth Taylor died this week also. In her prime she was every boy's wet dream. Even as she got older I thought she was a Babe. Any way you put it though, she was class, from the 8 marriages to her acting ability to her AIDS activism. A real Classy Lady A real Movie Star who will be missed by all. RIP Liz. Maybe you and your former husbands can be nice to each other up yonder.
That's right, back to the chores.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Morning

I know it's been awhile so here goes. This week was good with the kids back home. Thursday the GF took the day off with a couple of her friends and took all of the kids to the zoo. Tulsa has a good zoo. I was surprised when I went last year. I want to take my granddaughter when she comes down to visit this summer. I think even a teenager would enjoy it.
This weekend, GF's daughter went with her brother's family to visit his wife's brother out and about 4 hours from here. They came back last night with all kinds of stories and of course pictures of her, the daughter, on a horse. Looks like lots of fun. We had her son and of course a friend to tag along. We ended up at the used game store. Picked up some used games for the boys. This week I set up an old TV in the garage so they could play video games out there and have fun without getting too loud around the rest of the family. It was a hit. Well anyway because we got used games, we had a problem or two so we had to go back to the store a time or two until we got things right. It was worth it. The boys are into their games out in the garage and having a blast.
I have also applied for a Free Lance Writer's job. Looking to see if any of my many talents and background came make some money other than creating reports and keeping track of things at Big Boy Airline, my employer.
It's Sunday morning and the GF and her daughter went out in search of bargains found in the Sunday paper. The boys are out in the garage playing and I am updating my Blog. I have the Sunday paper read and even sent a Letter To The Editor about an editorial I read. GF put a pot of beans and bacon in the slow cooker last night and the smell is permeating the house making me hungry. Looks like life is getting better everyday. Or at least this week is. And what's here and now is important.
I am going to try to keep up this thing better. But when you get caught in life, good or bad, priorities change.
See Ya Later.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Night

Well it's Sunday night and all is well. We had good day. Cleaned the house a little, took a nap or two, watched tv, ate a little here and there. Daylight Savings Time started and it doesn't seem any different. We didn't have anyplace to go so to speak. Was going to get a patio set from her Mother's house, but the rain started so we are going to postpone that to next weekend. Going back to bed soon for the night.
I have to say this is one of the most relaxed weekends I have had in a long time. All good. I love her kids to death, but the time alone with her is welcome. We get to be adults and do adult things together. Like last night we met friends at a casino and had a great time. She won a few bucks, I broke even. Had a late dinner/breakfast on the way home.
Like I said, a ideal weekend.

About Japan, I feel for the folks over there. Please send your prayers and any dollars you can spare to the Red Cross to help them out. They could sure use it.

All for now, hoping you had a great weekend too.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Morning

Beautiful morning here. Last night got to her place, I guess you could say our place now, after work and we laid down and took a nap. An actual nap, really, no kidding a nap. Sleep was even involved. But when we woke up we enjoyed each other's company. Then a friend dropped by to pick up some stuff for her kids who are at thier Dad's house this weekend. We talked with her for a few minutes then went to dinner. A little Mexican joint close by. Great food, great prices. My kind of place. Had leftovers. Went for a drive downtown. Stopped at a store we had been wanting to see. A dissapointment. So we went to a place closer to home. Went home and enjoyed each other's company into the wee hours of the morning. Fell asleep in each other's arms. Woke up had some coffee and back to the bedroom. Man this love stuff is like a drug. Can't get enough of it. It's been said there is such a thing as making love and fucking. There are times for fucking, but the making love beats fucking any day of the week as far as I'm concerned. And when you are with someone you really care about and love, it's that much better. I want this to last for another 40 years or so, but if it were to end tomorrow I'll know what love really is. And that can't be a bad thing can it?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hump Day

Weds night and all is well. Kids are playing with friends and I am relaxing here. As much as I love the kids, me and their Mother are looking forward to a weekend to ourselves. They go to their Dad's from friday night to sunday afternoon. We are both looking forward to the quiet time and a chance to spend lots of time together.
I didn't get the job I put in for at work, even though I am more than qualified for it. But why cry over spilt beer? Move on and make myself more attractable to the next internal job I apply for. Do my best at this job and press on. No whining allowed.
Well countdown till friday....LOL.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Monday

Had a fairly good day. Found out about my income tax from the ex. With what we owe and what we are getting back, I am actually getting back a grand total of 103$. Yippee, it's better than having to pay all the way around. This is the last year I will be filing jointly too. Next year will be single and all that. Talked to ex about final settlement, we want to avoid the lawyers as much as possible. SO in the next week or so we will be throwing figures back and forth. Hopefully when we co to court in the latter part of April we can pretty much be finished except for selling the house. Talk about that, we agreed to an agent and it looks like we will have the house on the market ahead of the self imposed 1 April deadline I made. It would be beautiful if we could have it sold by then. I realistically doubt it, but who knows. Let's face it, we are definitely motivated. other news, the GF is happy things are coming together for me. We have actually talked of getting married, but we both want to be a bit cautious. We will see what happens.
Other news, 3.25 a gallon for gas!!!!! This is crazy, absolutely crazy. If the folks in Washington made a hint that we would open up ANWR for oil drilling tomorrow, OPEC would run scared and gas would be about a buck a gallon. I would love to see that. Imagine a teenage boy impressing his girl with those three little words at the gas pump "Fill 'er up". He wouldn't be lonely that night for sure.
That's about it for now. Until Later All.